From the Head of Secondary

Equipment and books at the end of the year
Students have not been using their lockers this year, but many of them may have copies of textbooks in classrooms that they will want access to over the summer, especially for classes 10 & 12 who are in the middle of a 2-year course. Students should have brought a bag to school on Wednesday to ensure they can carry any resources that they may need. We would ask for any students who have books that they no longer require to please not throw these resources away. If you have books that you do not wish to keep, please return them to your teacher.
Many thanks to our wonderful PTA for arranging an ice cream shop to be set up on the Early Years playground this week. All students were given a time slot to go and collect their ice cream as an end of year treat.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
June 24th saw the graduation ceremony of the class of 2021. Graduation is always a special event at ISM, and more-so this year under such challenging circumstances. Many thanks to the organising team who enabled the event to take place. Students should be very proud of their achievements, with a wonderful life of universities and other opportunities that they will be moving onto next year. Don’t forget to come back and visit!
End of Year activities Year 7 to 9
To celebrate the learning which has taken place during a very challenging year in which trips have not been possible, we organised some outdoor educational activities that focus on teamwork on the final Monday and Tuesday of term.
Please find below the letters sent to parents last week with details about these planned activities:
Arts Festival: “the Show(Case) Must go on”
Please go to the “Hot of the Press” Section for information and access to this year’s video version of the Arts Festival!
Wednesday 30th June
On Wednesday 30th June, students celebrated the learning and achievements of students in two assemblies. The first was a Lower or Upper Secondary Assembly and the second was a whole Secondary assembly.
Messages from the University Counsellor
Year 13
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2021!
Transitioning to university: Dr. Dominique Gordon gives some great tips for transitioning to university for both parents and students.
Unifrog has added a series of “know-how” tutorials on all things related to UCAS clearing and end of year results. Please look in the logistics section of the Know How library. Full details in the year 13 classrooms.
Year 12 – USA
Students interested in applying to the USA have begun a series of workshops (June 24th). If you were absent and would like to join us next week please send me an email. Sessions will be repeated in the fall. Common App, the main portal for applications will open on August 1st. You may begin on your own or wait for assistance when school resumes.
Dates for next year’s SAT are official: August 28th, October 2nd, December 4th, March 12th, May 7th. The first deadline is July 30th. Please register at
Year 12 – UCAS
All students interested in applying to the UK have signed up on UCAS. If you missed this meeting, please see Ms. Nuñez.
Year 12 – UK
Remember that registration for certain tests will open this summer. LNAT opens August 2nd.
Years 10-12 – What to do this summer?
Attend an open day! UK universities are offering their open days virtually, see a list here.
Try a MOOC! Short for Massive Online Open Course; use UNIFROG to search subjects and universities, follow your passion or try something new.
Applying to the US? Explore colleges with 800+ lists: Curious about what colleges have to offer? Use this fun online, searchable database from CollegeXpress, which covers everything from academic environments to school spirit.
Looking for more inspiration? Click here for a link to the webinar below
Please see the Parent Room for current articles and information regarding applying to the USA. If you missed our very informative webinar with guest Andrew Heinrich CEO of Project Rousseau, please view the recording in the Parent Room. David Hawkins from University Guys and Jason Smith have also recorded a very informative webinar.
For any students interested in future applications to Oxbridge, an informational webinar from King’s has been posted in the Parent Room.
Secondary End-of-Year Awards 2021
Our End-of-Year assembly saw students receive awards for:
- Exceptional Effort
- Exceptional Improvement
- Exceptional Attainment
- AR Reading
- Merits
- School Values
A huge congratulations to all students who received these awards during the assembly yesterday!
Head’s Honour Roll
The final awards presented were the Head’s Honour Roll awards for the highest academic attainment across all subjects in the final end-of-year report.
The recipients of this year’s Head’s Honour Roll awards are:
Year 7:
- Arabella Reardon
- Margherita Sparaco
- Constance Glann
Year 8:
- Margherita Yankovska
- Janibek Subkhanberdin
- Dominic Toussaint
Year 9:
- Victoria Morelli
- Sophie Mitchell
- Ava Touboul
Year 10:
- Alice Colombo
- Georgia Dennis
- Laura Bondi
- Martina Chiparo
- Vladimir Vladimirov
Year 11:
- Alexandra Giuliani
- Selma Alkadi
- Amael Anwar
- Adam Domiati
Year 12:
- Anais Shakhidi
- Giorgio Maria Pezzana Capranica Del Grillo
- Kristina Litwina
Well done to all of our award recipients!